De bergruimte (2020)

In the grips of a nightmare Alice wants to run. 

Alice starts a bedroom fast asleep but wide awake round and round to no escape creatures in the midst of night claws that tear and jaws that bite people trapped in place and time sung to silence in death’s rhyme senseless sound suspends in air robbed of meaning yet desperate to share In the grips of a nightmare Alice wants to run

Compositie: Lautaro Hochman
Regie: Chloé Harris
Scenografie: Joëlle Snijders
Dramaturgie: Jessie Connell
Productie: Jesse Korte en Tosca Schutte
Muzikanten: Filip Przybylo (piano), Siebren Smink (Elektrische gitaar), Flavia Escartin (Cello), Liga Zirina (Sopraan)
Spel: Martijn Schrier

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